LogMeIn - Security Notification - Patch available! - Fake Email Altert with a Link to Malware
If you received an email from security@logmein.com with a Subject: Security Notification - Patch available! it's a fake with a link to zip file (logmein_patch.zip) most likely contaning malware.
Don't download the file and delete the email permanently!
Message Body:
Dear client,
You are receiving this notification because you have chosen LogMeIn software as the remote control solution of your business.
We have been informed that a remote execution vulnerability exists in the LogMeIn software, allowing attackers to compromise a successfully exploited computer.
An emergency patch has been released, in order to reduce the potential successful attacks and fix this issue.
The patched computers will be secured against this type of attack.
The emergency patch can be downloaded from the following:
It is strongly recommended that you apply this patch on all computers where LogMeIn is installed, as soon as possible.
If you are not on the computer where the software is installed, you can save the patch to a flash drive or to a CD, and then you can run it on the computer that has the problem.
LogMeIn.com Support
(Please do not reply to this email, as it's sent from an address that's not monitored.)